White aura
Daca mijesti ochii in contre-jour observi doar o aura de lumina care inconjoara obiectul dorintei. Te poti plasa in centrul dorintei sau iti poti calibra gandurile sa se potriveasca cu aceasta aura si sa inspire un contre-jour perpetuu, ca si cum sursa luminii e aranjata ca un reflector special pentru intrarile tale in scena.
Veti cumpara o palarie alba, lucrata cu manusi in cateva zile bune, din angora cea mai fina, cu o textura de catifea mangaiata si imblanzita doar cu mana omului indragostit de detalii. Panglica palriei poate fi aleasa conform dorintei.
Pentru a va masura circumferinta capului e bine sa folositi un centimetru de croitorie pus in jurul capului la aceeasi distanta :latimea unui deget deasupra sprancenelor si a urechilor. Va rugam sa aveti grija, ca la spate, protuberanta craniului sa fie in punctul ei maxim cuprinsa in cercul format de centimetru pe cap.
100% fitz (angora) plus siret auriu/cupru din piele sintetica
If you squint your eyes contre-jour you will only notice the light aura surrounding the object of your desire. You may stand in the centre of it or you may even calibrate your thoughts to match this aura and create an everlasting centre-jour. The light source is now a spotlight on the stage, only for you.
You will get a white hat crafted by hand in the course of a few days and made from the finest Angora with a velvety texture, caressed and tamed only by those with a love for detail. You may choose the ribbon as you wish.
For a correct measurement, please use a seam tape and place it on the forehead in front of the mirror. Measure your head all around, above the ears and eyebrows while keeping the same distance: the width of a finger. Make sure that the back of the skull is inside the circle formed by the seam tape.
100% Fitz (Angora), golden/copper lace made from eco-leather