Tamara Lempicka
Aceasta fandacsie este inspirata de Tamara de Lempicka. E greu de reprodus aerul de stapana a decapotabilei verzi, de senzuala aparitie in absenta desavarsita a vulgaritatii, lasand in urma doar eleganta si aristocratie. Noi am incercat sa punem in aceasta fandacsie ingredientele pe care le transmite autoportretul Tamarei. Daca acest autoportret vi se pare ca seamana un pic cu dumneavoastra, atunci va exista potrivire si cu aceasta fandacsie.
Realizata din fitz agora presata, cu rijelina transparenta si rijelina vintage stralucitoare.
This Fandacsia hat is inspired by Tamara de Lempicka.
It is rather challenging to recreate the green convertible-owner vibes, giving off sensuality, elegance and aristocracy, with no traces of vulgarity whatsoever. We’ve tried to design this Fandacsia hat with the elements conveyed by Tamar’s self-portrait. If you feel this portrait suits you even a tiny bit, this hat will be a good match. The hat is made of fitz - pressed Angora, transparent and sparkly, vintage crinoline ribbon.