Mic studiu in albastru
O cochilie prinsa in valuri. Din tumultul marii, numai o umbra de miscare ii mai spune povestea pe care a trait-o in apele involburate. Culeasa si asezata pe crestet, cochilia continua sa marturiseasca printre suspine despre lumi inca neexplorate.
A conch caught by waves. Out of the sea's tumult, only a shadow of movement remains to tell its stories among the restless waters. After being found and positioned on one's crown, the conch, in soft sobs, still confesses its tales.
A conch caught by waves. Out of the sea's tumult, only a shadow of movement remains to tell its stories among the restless waters. After being found and positioned on one's crown, the conch, in soft sobs, still confesses its tales.