"La planete d'or"
O cutie neagra, simpla, sobra, placuta la atins. Din mucava imbracata in carton de desen, cu constelatii minuscule de picaturi aurii. A fost lucrata cu placere in 3-4 ore, integral manual, fara ajutorul sau zgomotul unei masini. Are o funda aurie din rips de matase, un carton alb-pentru stilou, gata sa primeasca un nume, acoperit discret, pentru placerea de a desoperi, de un calc translucid imprimat cu note muzicale. Cand o desfaci, cautand miezul de cadou, fosnetul hartie de matase va ramane suspendat o clipa in plus in aer.
A simple, black, temperate box that is pleasant to touch. Build from plasterboard dressed in drawing paper, sprinkled with tiny constellations of golden droplets. Pleasurably crafted across four hours solely by the milliner's hands, devoid of any mechanical noises. Sporting a golden box from silken rips and a discretely covered white pen card ready to receive a name, made from tracing paper imprinted with musical notes for those guided by the pleasure of discovery. When you open the box, looking for the gift in its core, the swish of silk paper remains lingering in the air.