Gradina japoneza
Palaria noastra de secara cu boruri mari de 12 cm a capatat o noua haina: o aplicatie textila pe borul interior pentru o aura interesanta in jurul chipului, pentru fantezii de calatorie si plimbari in gradinile secrete din Japonia sau Monte Carlo, dupa gust.
Canotiera dvs. se produce in micul atelier, in mod artizanal, sur mesure, asa incat sa existe o compatibilitate cu propritara, sa i se potriveasca "manusa" :). Asadar va rugam sa selectati masura dvs. la palarie - circumferinta capului deasupra sprancenelor , la aproximativ un cm deasupra urechilor, de jur imprejur.
Our dear 12 cm wide-brimmed rye straw hat has acquired a new coat: the textile cover on the interior brim gives off a gripping aura around the face, ready for journey fantasies and strolls in the secret gardens of Japan or Monte Carlo - you choose the destination.
Your boater hat is designed by artisanal hands in our little workshop and the measurements are respected rigorously - compatible with the owner, fitting her like a glove :) Please select your size - the circumference of the head above the eyebrows, one cm above the ears.
Your hat is made entirely by hand, starting with the weaving of the straw up until the fixing on the block. Because each hat is made to a specific measurement, we kindly ask you to give us an interval of 5 to 7 days to create our product. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience.