French Kiss
O mica palarie amplasata pe partea ramasa libera cand sarutul e prelung. E o inventie excelenta pentru astfel de situatii .:) Canotiera in miniatura este realizata din pai de secara, voaleta cu buline ajuta in presarut caci capteaza toata atentia iar bentita metalica de care este prinsa canotiera reuseste sa stabilizeze palaria acolo unde a fost ea asezata, fara ca intreruperea amoroasa sa dauneze fashionului.
Pentru ca palaria dvs este un produs realizat aproape integral de mana omului indragostit de detalii ,fiind o palarie realizata prin tragere pe calapod, cu un timp de uscare si pentru ca fiecare palarie se coase si se descoase, va rugam sa ne ingaduiti un interval de 5-7 zile pentru realizarea acestui produs, multumimdu-va in avans pentru rabdare si complicitate.
French Kiss
A small hat to be placed on the side that remains unengaged when you are being kissed. This hat encourages such an occurance! A miniature canotier, it is made of rye straw, the dotted voile helping to draw the attention of your significant other, while the metal headband on which the canotier is attached will ensure that the hat remains stable. We wouldn’t want tender moments to bring a disservice to fashion.
Please allow us 5 to 7 days to create this canotier. The making of your hat is left in the hands of people who are in love with details. Almost fully hand-made, the hat needs to be shaped on a hat block, left to dry, sewed and resewed according to the straw’s caprices. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!