El Gringo girl or boy
Totul supradimensionat. Din pai de secara impletit manual in Transilvania dar cu aspect de Palaria lui El Gringo. Masculul stors de munca, in pampas, culegand agave si aloe-vera sa-i faca iubitei, dupa zeci de ore petrecute in sa, dar langa focul unei eprubete, o potiune de indreptat ridul ei cel fin! Sau palaria voastra cea noua de plaja/ paharel. Nu e nevoie sa inchiriati umbrela de soare. Are boruri de 20 de cm. Inaltimea calotei este de 15cm!
Aceasta palarie se patineaza natural cu vopsea exclusiv vegetala.
Atentie: cel mai important este sa va aflati masura. Circumferinta capului se masoara folosind un centimetru de croitorie, infasurat in jurul capului,deasupra urechilor si a sprancenelor la aceeasi distanta: latimea unui deget. Fiti vigilente :) cu protuberanta din spate a craniului caci ea trebuie sa fie in interiorul cercului format de centimetru. Masurati de trei ori, ca Fat-frumos in lupta cu balaurul, caci 2 cm scapati sau in plus pot fi fatali relatiei de iubire cu palaria voastra. Daca nu aveti un centimetru de croitorie, puteti folosi o sfoara, o panglica sau chiar firul castilor, confruntate apoi cu o rigla.
Oversize all the way! A hat made of rye straws braided in Transylvania, but reminding us of El Gringo’s hat. El hombre, strenuously picking up agave and aloe-vera in the middle of the pampas, only for brewing the anti-wrinkle serum for his dear one, after long hours spent on the saddle of his horse. Or your new hat :) - be it for the beach or for a cocktail. There is no need to rent a beach umbrella, as the brim of the hat measures 20 cm and the crown is 15 cm high!
The hat gets its colour exclusively from vegetable paint.
Attention: your size is of great importance. For a correct measurement, please use a seam tape and measure your head all around above the ears and eyebrows while keeping the same distance: the width of a finger. Make sure that the back of the skull is inside the circle formed by the seam tape. Take your time and measure three times, as the third time’s a charm. Even 2 cm up or down can ruin your relationship with the hat. If you do not have a seam tape, you can use a rope, a ribbon or even the wire of your headphones - just make sure you check the measurements with a ruler.