Côte d'Ivoire
Inspiratia vine din perioada de glorie a palariei , anii 50-60 ( cu o preferinta personala pentru palaria franceza). Am adaugat un cote cu umor si belsug de umbra de bananier- ceea ce va doresc chiar langa un zarzar- vara aceasta a razbunarii noastre.
O palarie de purtat in plimbari usoare, cu cosul fluturand langa rochia de in alb sau la piscina, in defilarea bronzului lucios caci ciocolata se combina bine cu bananele.
Paiul este impletit manual, din secara, cu rabadare si indemanare in miezul tarii iar forma este obtinuta in cuibul nostru de design din Bucuresti. Materialul cu banane este poplin si vine din Spania.
Realizata in studioul din zona Mantuleasa, din pai de secara autohton, impletit manual in Transilvania. Diametrul palariei este de 40 de cm.
This one has been inspired by the glorious years of the hat - 50’s and 60’s (with a personal preference for the French hat). I’ve added a côte - with humour and plenty of shadow from underneath the banana tree. And I wish you the same, be it an apricot tree. This summer will be our revenge.
It is to be worn during light walks, paired with a basket and a white linen dress; or at the pool, matching a fresh brown tan, for chocolate blends well with bananas.
The rye straws are skillfully braided in the heartland of Romania, while the fit is crafted in our designer nest in Bucharest. The banana fabric is Poplin and originates from Spain.
The hat is designed in the workshop in Mantuleasa Neighborhood, made from locally harvested rye and braided in Transylvania. The diameter measures 40 cm.