Contesa de cicoare
O palarie pentru o noapte cand te urci in masina, gasesti cel mai indepartat camp plin cu cicoare si flori salbatice si , la lumina farurilor faci o baie in iarba cu roua ca in LA dolce vita dar fara Mastroiani si fantana.
Poti fi si nasa sau coautoare de numele scurte in revista orasului la lansarea primului numar. De altfel, o poti purta oricand ai chef.
Contesa mea de cicoare are foita de argint si se poarta pe o bentita pentru echilibru.
For those nights when you just jump into the car, drive off to the farthest chicory and wildflower field and you bathe in the dewy grass, under the lighthouse lights. La Dolce Vita-style, without Mastroianni and the fountain.
You may also be the godmother or even the co-author of the local magazine at the launching event of the first edition. Besides, you may wear it whenever you feel like it.
My Countess Chicory has a silver leaf and stands upright on a headband.