Canotiera D'Italie
Daca ar fi sa iau doar palarie, fiind invitata sa petrec o vara la Alice si la domnul Iepure, as alege canotiera d'Italie pentru albul de portelan al calotei gata sa se asorteze cu ceaiul de la ora 5, pentru textura de pai de secara autohton, pentru borul aurit cu foita ca stralucirea soarelui de vara sa ramana prinsa pe palarie ca o aura. Panglica de rips cu franjuri a calatorit din fabrica ei italieneasca sa sublinieze fratia dintre alb, auriu si negru. Vom lucra doar cu masura dumneavoastra si va rugam sa o selectati din casuta aflata sub titlu. Masura se poate obtine cu un centimetru de croitorie de jur imprejurul capului, la un deget latime deasupra sprancenelor si a urechilor. Masurile de dama sunt intre 52 si 59 de centimetri.
Pentru ca palaria dvs este un produs realizat aproape integral de mana omului indragostit de detalii , incepand cu impletirea paielor, tragerea pe calapod si aurirea borului si pentru ca fiecare palarie se face pe masura, va rugam sa ne ingaduiti un interval de 5-7 zile pentru realizarea acestui produs, multumimdu-va in avans pentru rabdare si complicitate.
If I were to take one hat with me on my summer trip with Alice and the White Rabbit, I would chose the canotiere d'Italie for the cap's porcelain white, fit for the 5 o'clock tea, for the rye straw texture, for the gilded boron which captures sunlight and keeps it glued to the hat like an aura. The dimity ribbon has traveled all the way from its Italian factory to accentuate the merging of white, black and gold. We kindly ask you to select the appropriate size from the box found under the title. You can easily find out your size by measuring your head's circumference with a tapeline placed roughly one finger above the eyebrows and ears. Head sizes for women range between 52 to 59 centimeters.
Pentru ca palaria dvs este un produs realizat aproape integral de mana omului indragostit de detalii , incepand cu impletirea paielor, tragerea pe calapod si aurirea borului si pentru ca fiecare palarie se face pe masura, va rugam sa ne ingaduiti un interval de 5-7 zile pentru realizarea acestui produs, multumimdu-va in avans pentru rabdare si complicitate.
If I were to take one hat with me on my summer trip with Alice and the White Rabbit, I would chose the canotiere d'Italie for the cap's porcelain white, fit for the 5 o'clock tea, for the rye straw texture, for the gilded boron which captures sunlight and keeps it glued to the hat like an aura. The dimity ribbon has traveled all the way from its Italian factory to accentuate the merging of white, black and gold. We kindly ask you to select the appropriate size from the box found under the title. You can easily find out your size by measuring your head's circumference with a tapeline placed roughly one finger above the eyebrows and ears. Head sizes for women range between 52 to 59 centimeters.
Your hat is made entirely by hand, starting with the weaving of the straw up until the fixing on the block. Because each hat is made to a specific measurement, we kindly ask you to give us an interval of 5 to 7 days, so we could create our product. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience.