Black aura
Unde s-au dus sfintenitele dupa-amiezi, sfanta tolaneala, sfanta melancolie si sfanta privire de pre-indragosteala?
Pentru mine, toate astea sunt intinse in foita de auriu patinat a palariei noastre de strabatut pustiuri.
Canotiera din lana 100% , cu borul interior auriu si panglici lungi de catifea sa legi toate umbrele amorurilor gatate la uscat si trecut prin praf.
Lucram pe masura, exact in rima cu dvs, asadar masura circumferinta capului deasupra sprancenelor si a urechilor la un deget latime si, cand inconjurati capul cu centimetrul aveti grija, ca la spate, sa stea asezat fix pe punctul maxim al proeminentei capului.
Where are the mellow afternoons, the sweet siestas, the tender melancholy and the piercing eyes before falling in love?
For me, all these are written in the golden foil of our hat - a true wanderer across wastelands.
A boater hat made of 100% wool, with a golden interior brim and long, velvet ribbons to tie all shadows of past loves, dragged through dust and hanging on a wire.
The hats are crafted according to personal sizing, so please use a seam tape on the forehead and measure your head all around above the ears and eyebrows while keeping the same distance: the width of a finger. Make sure that the back of the skull is inside the circle formed by the seam tape.