Pasha de plaja
Un fes de pai cu funda pe deasupra. Un farafastac din pai de secara, impletita manual de o doamna vioaie si guraliva care continua aceasta traditie a familiei de generatii. Un fes care se prinde la spate si se inoada cu funda din matase alb-negru , deasupra, la vedere. Se poate purta la plaja caci nu incomodeaza cocul, fereste gandul de insolatie, umerii de umbra si intreaga prezenta de plictisul previzibil al unei palarii obisnuite.
Pentru ca fesul dvs este un produs realizat aproape integral de mana omului indragostit de detalii, fiind o palarie realizata prin tragere pe calapod, cu un timp de uscare si pentru ca fiecare palarie se coase si se descoase, va rugam sa ne ingaduiti un interval de 5-7 zile pentru realizarea acestui produs, multumimdu-va in avans pentru rabdare si complicitate.
‘Pasha of the beach’ is a straw fez with a ribbon on top. It is a whimsical hat made of rye straw which is manually woven by a joyous and talkative lady as part of a family tradition that spans generations. This fez can be fixed on the back of the head, the white and black silk ribbon being tied above the fez: visible at the very top. It can be worn on the beach for it does not interfere with ponytails or buns, it protects your thoughts from heat exhaustion, your shoulders from shadows and your person from the predictable monotony of wearing a normal hat.
Please allow us 5 to 7 days to create this product. The making of your fez is left in the hands of people who are in love with details. Fully hand-made, the fez needs to be shaped on a hat block, left to dry, sewed and resewed according to the straw’s caprices. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!