My 20`s avalansa de culori
O palarie usor de purtat care aduce aminte de exuberanta anilor 20. Ai tai caci 2020 te face sa te refugiezi in 1920. Oamenii aceia au avut si ei pandemia lor, totusi, toate babele lor -si cele de 20 si cele de 80- se pieptanau. Acesta este spiritul pe care il poti stimula, il poti darui. Fii calma, optimista, respecta toate regulile dar nu ingheta de frica intr-un colt al mintii unde domneste anxietatea.
Exista trei masuri: S (54-55.5) M (55.5-57) si L (57.5-59)
Lucram totul de la zero, in momentul rostirii dorintei, asadar va rugam sa va masurati cu un centimetru circumferina capului. Se foloseste un centimetru de croitorie pus pe frunte, deasupra sprancenelor si a urechilor, de jur imprejur, cu grija, ca la spate, proeminenta maxima a capului sa fie in interiorul cercului format de centimetru pe cap.
lana 100%
An easy to wear hat, that reminds us of the exuberance from the Roaring 20’s - your 20’s, since 2020 makes you seek refuge in 1920. People had their own pandemic back then, but women still combed their hair - whether they were 20 or 80 years old. This is the vibe that you should promote. Be calm, hopeful, respect the safety measures, but don’t get stuck in the anxiety corner of your mind.
There are 3 sizes: S (54-55.5), M (55.5-57) and L ( 57.5-59).
We design the hat according to your wish and order, so please use a seam tape to measure the circumference of your head. Place the seam tape on the forehead and measure your head all around above the ears and eyebrows. Make sure that the back of the skull is inside the circle formed by the seam tape.
100% wool.