White fedora
A, e i, o,u... sa invatam sa spunem nu. Magazinului cu de toate. Caci: nu se doarme cu calul la trap, nu se indeasa boneta de nani cand nu te-ai coafat si nici cizmele de calarie nu se poarta cu caciula facuta in China. Pentru cei cu gusturi setate, p palarie fina dar inveliat in lana calduroasa, tinut in frau de panglica din rips.
One should learn to say no. For one doesn't sleep on a trotting horse nor wear ridding bots with a fur cap from China. A soft but warm white hat, held in line by the dimity ribbon. .
To determine your head measurement, you can use either a tape measure or a non-stretchy string. Place the tape on your forehead, where you wish your hat to rest and pass it around your head, ensuring you include its fullest part. Please be confident that the tape measure is straight, not twisted. If you use a string, you need to make sure it does not stretch. Wrap it gently around your head in the same manner. After you have marked the exact circumference, lie the string down on a flat surface and measure the length with a flat ruler.