Chapeau D`Avignon
Palaria ta poate fi un stindard de je m`en fiche, je suis telment belle, l`ete c`est moi.:). Aidoma unui blazon inventat pe loc, pus in frunte. Canotiera D`Avignon exista in doua culori usor de adoptat, este realizata din pai de secara autohton, plus panglica mare de rips, plus ceva rabdare, pe masura ta si cu tine-n gand. Panglica are povestea ei italiana caci este realizata intr-o fabrica uimitoare de langa Milano, unde iti poti pierde simtul timpului, uitandu-te :) pe tine in mijlocul panglicilor de culori si texturi felurite.
Te rugam sa mentionezi in mesajul atasat comenzii varianta ta preferata: alba sau neagra dar si masura ta la palarie. Circumferinta capului se masoara cu un centimetru de croitorie sau cu o panglica confruntata cu o rigla. Pentru rima perfecta pe care o cautam avem nevoie de circumferinta capului la aprox 1 cm deasupra sprancenelor si a urechilor tale. Numerele palariilor de dame bine variaza intre 52 si 59, asadar diferentele sunt mari si numerele tale conteaza mult pentru noi.
Pentru ca palaria dvs este un produs realizat aproape integral de mana omului indragostit de detalii , incepand cu impletirea paielor, tragerea pe calapod si montarea fiecarei funde si pentru ca fiecare palarie se face pe masura, va rugam sa ne ingaduiti un interval de timp suficient pentru realizarea acestui produs, multumimdu-va in avans pentru rabdare si complicitate.
Te rugam sa mentionezi in mesajul atasat comenzii varianta ta preferata: alba sau neagra dar si masura ta la palarie. Circumferinta capului se masoara cu un centimetru de croitorie sau cu o panglica confruntata cu o rigla. Pentru rima perfecta pe care o cautam avem nevoie de circumferinta capului la aprox 1 cm deasupra sprancenelor si a urechilor tale. Numerele palariilor de dame bine variaza intre 52 si 59, asadar diferentele sunt mari si numerele tale conteaza mult pentru noi.
Pentru ca palaria dvs este un produs realizat aproape integral de mana omului indragostit de detalii , incepand cu impletirea paielor, tragerea pe calapod si montarea fiecarei funde si pentru ca fiecare palarie se face pe masura, va rugam sa ne ingaduiti un interval de timp suficient pentru realizarea acestui produs, multumimdu-va in avans pentru rabdare si complicitate.
Din cauza faptului ca panglicile nostre vin din Italia si, in acest moment, fabrica abia a inceput sa lucreze, va rugam sa ne acordati un ragaz mai mare de timp pentru livrarea acestui model (10-14 zile), rugandu-va sa ne intelegeti si pe noi si pe italieni ca incercam sa lucram cat putem de repede in asa fel incat sa nu se simta efectele pandemiei prin care trecem inca. Va multumim!
Your hat could act as a royal banner, proudly placed on your forehead. The coat of arms associated with the D’Avignon Canotier can be painted in two colours (black or white) and decorated with the unwritten messages of ‘je m’en fiche’, ‘je suis telment belle’, ‘l’ete c’est moi’. The hat is made from local straw, bound with a big rips ribbon, some patience and with your measurements in mind. The ribbon itself has its own story which starts in a Milanese factory, where it is easy to lose oneself amongst the many colours and textures of the fabrics.
Your Canotier is being made in our small traditional studio, sur mesure, so the hat is compatible with the owner, so that it will fit like a "glove". We kindly ask you to select your hat size - this is the circumference of your head above the eyebrows, roughly one centimeter above your ears, measured with a tapeline.
Your hat is made entirely by hand, starting with the weaving of the straw up until the fixing on the block. Because each hat is made to a specific measurement, we kindly ask you to give us an interval of 5 to 7 days, so we could create our product. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience.
Your hat could act as a royal banner, proudly placed on your forehead. The coat of arms associated with the D’Avignon Canotier can be painted in two colours (black or white) and decorated with the unwritten messages of ‘je m’en fiche’, ‘je suis telment belle’, ‘l’ete c’est moi’. The hat is made from local straw, bound with a big rips ribbon, some patience and with your measurements in mind. The ribbon itself has its own story which starts in a Milanese factory, where it is easy to lose oneself amongst the many colours and textures of the fabrics.
Your Canotier is being made in our small traditional studio, sur mesure, so the hat is compatible with the owner, so that it will fit like a "glove". We kindly ask you to select your hat size - this is the circumference of your head above the eyebrows, roughly one centimeter above your ears, measured with a tapeline.
Your hat is made entirely by hand, starting with the weaving of the straw up until the fixing on the block. Because each hat is made to a specific measurement, we kindly ask you to give us an interval of 5 to 7 days, so we could create our product. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience.