Berthe Morisot
Aceasta palarie a fost inspirata de toate palariile impresionismului, cand natura, lumina si culorile erau savurate cu un entuziasm nou, neobosit.
Este o palarie de biciclit caci funda mare o prinde bine sub barbie si poti pedala cu mainile pe ghidon. Berthe poate fi palaria de ratacit pe camp si adunat flori sau de traversat orasul cu viteza in decapotabila-eventual ( sau in atashul motocicletei), numai buna de pictat la sevalet en plein air. Este si palaria de purtat cand bate vantul pe malul marii, pe plaja voastra preferata de la ocean.
Printul esarfei are buline dar daca doriti pot fi alese si alte variante uni sau puteti schimba chiar voi cu printul preferat si asortat perfect cu rochia, sireturile sau bratara :)
Palariile noastre sunt pe masuri S, M si L, ceea ce inseamna ca e ajuta de fixarea in funda, nefiind chiar fixe- sa existe ceva aer - caci trebuie sa respirati acolo, in interior.
Va rog sa masurati cu un centimetru de croitorie pus pe frunte, in fata oglinzii.Masurati de jur imprejur, deasupra urechilor si a sprancenelor la aceeasi distanta : latimea unui deget. Aveti grija ca, la spate, proeminenta craniului sa fie in interiorul cercului format de centimetru. Nu e complicat, promit😊 Ce se obtine intre 53-54.5 intra la S, intre 55 si 56.5 corespunde unui M iar de la 57 in sus avem un L. Totusi, daca masurati 60 - crieti-ne un email caci e bine sa ne adaptam.
This hat has been inspired by Impressionism, a time when colours and nature were cherished with restless enthusiasm.
You may bring this hat along with your bicycle, as the ribbon can be well fastened under the chin, allowing you to hold the handlebar. Berthe is a good companion for flower picking in the fields, but she also enjoys speedy rides across the city in a convertible (or even the sidecar of a motorcycle) and easel painting sessions in nature. You may also bring it to your favourite beach on a windy day.
The print of the ribbon is covered in bicycles, but you may also opt for plain fabric or even swap it with your favourite print, perfectly matching your dress, shoelaces or bracelet :)
Our hats come in S, M and L sizes, as the fastening ribbon leaves enough space for a breeze inside.
For a correct measurement, please use a seam tape on the forehead in front of the mirror. Measure your head all around above the ears and eyebrows while keeping the same distance: the width of a finger. Make sure that the back of the skull is inside the circle formed by the seam tape. It’s not complicated, I promise :) Anything between 43-54.5 is an S, 55-56.5 is an M and L is above 57. In case your measurements exceed 60, drop us a line, as we can be flexible when needed.